We’ve been delivering coasteering in Newquay since 2012

Guiding Coasteering Tours in Newquay for Over a Decade

For over a decade, Newquay Coasteering Tours has been leading adventurers through the stunning and rugged coastline of Newquay, Cornwall. Our extensive experience and deep knowledge of the local area allow us to offer a variety of coasteering routes, tailored to the ever-changing sea conditions and tides.

Experienced Guides and Flexible Routes

Our guides are not only highly trained but also bring a wealth of local knowledge to each tour. Regardless of the sea state, our team can find and navigate interesting and safe routes, ensuring an exciting and memorable experience for all participants.

Key Points:

  • Diverse Routes: We offer several coasteering routes that showcase different aspects of the Newquay coastline. Depending on the tide and sea conditions, our guides select the most suitable and thrilling path for the day.

  • High-Level Training: Our guides undergo rigorous training to handle various sea conditions, ensuring safety and maximizing enjoyment for our guests.

  • Adaptability: Whether the sea is calm or rough, our guides leverage their vast experience to adapt and find the best coasteering spots, ensuring that every tour is unique and engaging.

Our Coasteeing Routes in Newquay

  • coasteering group in newquay

    Lifeboat Slipway to Tripple Jump

    Newquay's coastline is a coasteering paradise, offering a mix of thrilling jumps, scenic traverses, and unique historical sites. One of the most popular routes combines natural beauty with adrenaline-pumping activities, making it perfect for both beginners and seasoned adventurers. Here's a detailed description of the coasteering route that includes the old Newquay lifeboat station, Fisherman’s Jump, Deadman's Cove, Belly Flop Rock, Slippy Gully, and the Mighty Triple Jump.

    The Old Newquay Lifeboat Station

    Your coasteering adventure begins at the historic old Newquay lifeboat station. This iconic structure, which once served as a critical rescue point for stranded mariners, now marks the starting point of your journey. As you gear up and receive a safety briefing from our experienced guides, you'll get a sense of the rich maritime history that permeates this area.

    Low-Level Traversing and Fisherman’s Jump

    From the lifeboat station, you'll start with some low-level traversing along the rugged cliffs. This part of the route is perfect for warming up, allowing you to get accustomed to moving along the rocky coastline. You'll then approach Fisherman’s Jump, a popular spot known for its moderate height and scenic surroundings. It’s an excellent opportunity to test your jumping skills and build confidence for the bigger jumps ahead.

    Deadman's Cove

    Next, you'll make your way to Deadman's Cove, a secluded and somewhat eerie spot with a fascinating name. The cove is known for its tranquil waters and hidden caves, perfect for exploring and taking a break from the more strenuous activities. Here, you can enjoy some light swimming and take in the stunning coastal views.

    Belly Flop Rock

    One of the highlights of the route is Belly Flop Rock, a unique formation that offers a variety of jumping heights. This spot is named for the brave (or sometimes unlucky) souls who end up belly-flopping into the water. It's a fun and challenging spot that will definitely get your adrenaline pumping. Whether you choose to jump from the lower ledges or the higher ones, it’s a thrilling experience.

    Slippy Gully

    Moving on, you'll navigate through Slippy Gully, a narrow passage known for its slippery rocks and the need for careful maneuvering. This section tests your balance and agility as you traverse the gully, making it a favorite among those who enjoy a bit of a challenge. The gully's natural formations and the sound of waves crashing nearby create an exhilarating atmosphere.

    The Mighty Triple Jump

    The grand finale of your coasteering adventure is the Mighty Triple Jump. This series of three jumps increases in height, offering a thrilling conclusion to your tour. Each jump presents its own challenge, and by the time you reach the final and highest jump, you'll feel a rush of accomplishment. The Mighty Triple Jump is perfect for those looking to push their limits and end their coasteering tour on a high note.

  • coasteering group entering the water

    Adventure Gully

    When it comes to coasteering in Newquay, Adventure Gully stands out as one of the most exciting and unique routes available. This sheltered and condensed route offers a perfect blend of thrill and natural beauty, making it a favorite among coasteering enthusiasts. Here’s a detailed look at what you can expect when exploring Adventure Gully with Newquay Coasteering Tours.

    Sheltered and Condensed Route

    Adventure Gully is designed for those seeking a thrilling yet safe coasteering experience. The route is more sheltered than some of the more exposed coastal paths, providing a controlled environment that’s perfect for both beginners and seasoned adventurers. The condensed nature of the route means that participants can experience a high density of features in a relatively short distance, making every moment action-packed.

    Big Open-Ended Sea Caves

    One of the highlights of Adventure Gully is the exploration of large, open-ended sea caves. These caves are a marvel to navigate, offering stunning views and a sense of mystery as you venture into their depths. The acoustics within these caves amplify the sound of the crashing waves, adding to the immersive experience.

    Squeezes and Sluices

    Adventure Gully is dotted with narrow squeezes and natural sluices, adding an element of challenge and excitement. These features require participants to maneuver through tight spaces and ride the natural water channels carved out by the sea. It’s an exhilarating way to engage with the coastline’s natural formations.

    Victoria’s Jump

    For those seeking an adrenaline rush, Victoria’s Jump is a must-try feature on this route. This jump rises and falls with the tides, offering a dynamic and heart-pounding leap into the sea below. The height of the jump can vary, providing a different experience each time you visit.

    Gollum’s Perch

    Another unique feature of Adventure Gully is Gollum’s Perch. Named for its precarious and seemingly impossible position, this spot offers stunning views of the surrounding coastline. It’s a perfect place for a brief rest, to take in the scenery, and perhaps to snap a few photos before continuing your journey.

    Plenty of Jumps and Sluices

    The route is also known for its numerous jumps and sluices. Whether you’re taking a leap from a cliff into the sea or riding a natural water slide, Adventure Gully provides plenty of opportunities for excitement. Each jump and sluice is carefully chosen to offer both fun and safety, ensuring that participants of all levels can enjoy the experience.

  • coasteering jump from rock in newquay

    Shag Rock to Deadman's Cove

    An Epic Coastal Adventure for the Brave

    For those seeking a more challenging and exhilarating coasteering experience, the Shag Rock to Deadman's Cove route is a must-try. This advanced route, ideal when the tides and swell are small, combines two of Newquay’s most thrilling coasteering adventures into one epic journey.

    Shag Rock Jumps

    The adventure begins with a series of jumps at Shag Rock. This area is known for its dramatic cliffs and numerous jumping spots, perfect for those who love the thrill of leaping into the sea from various heights. The clear waters and rugged coastline set the stage for an unforgettable start to the tour.

    Smugglers Caves (Tea Cabins)

    Next, you’ll explore the historic smugglers caves, locally known as the Tea Cabins. These hidden caves were once used by smugglers to store contraband, adding a touch of mystery and history to your adventure. The caves are accessible only by sea, making them a unique feature of this route.

    Sea Gullies and Big Jumps

    As you navigate through sea gullies, you'll encounter several big jumps. These jumps vary in height, offering something for everyone’s comfort level. The gullies themselves are narrow and dynamic, requiring careful navigation and adding an element of excitement to the journey.

    Whirlpools and Sluices

    One of the most exhilarating parts of this route is the section with natural whirlpools and sluices. These features create powerful water movements that you can ride and navigate through, providing a thrilling and unique experience that showcases the raw power of the sea.

    Triple Jump

    The triple jump section is not for the faint-hearted. Here, you’ll face three consecutive jumps of increasing height, testing your courage and coasteering skills. This part of the route is a favorite among adrenaline junkies and offers an intense rush.

    Deadman's Cove Finale

    The adventure culminates at Deadman's Cove, a secluded and dramatic cove that is the perfect end to this epic journey. Known for its striking beauty and the challenge it presents, Deadman's Cove is a fitting finale that leaves participants with a sense of accomplishment and awe.