Exploring Marine Wildlife on a Coasteering Tour

Coasteering in Newquay is not just about the thrill of climbing cliffs and jumping into the sea; it’s also an opportunity to encounter some of the fascinating marine wildlife that inhabits the Cornish coastline. As you navigate through the rugged shoreline, you’ll come across a diverse range of creatures, both above and below the water. Here’s a glimpse of the marine wildlife you might encounter on a coasteering tour with Newquay Coasteering Tours.

1. Seals

One of the most exciting marine animals you might encounter is the grey seal. These curious creatures are often spotted lounging on rocks or swimming in the waters around Newquay. Grey seals are known for their playful nature and might even come close to investigate as you explore their habitat.

2. Birds

The Cornish coastline is a haven for seabirds. During your coasteering adventure, you may see various bird species, including:

  • Puffins: Though less common, puffins can sometimes be seen nesting on cliffs.

  • Gulls: Herring gulls and great black-backed gulls are frequent sights, often seen soaring above or perched on rocky outcrops.

  • Cormorants and Shags: These diving birds can be seen drying their wings on rocks or diving into the water for fish.

3. Crustaceans

As you scramble over rocks and through tidal pools, you’re likely to encounter a variety of crustaceans:

  • Crabs: Look out for common shore crabs and the larger edible crabs hiding under rocks.

  • Lobsters: Occasionally, you might spot these larger crustaceans, especially in deeper pools and crevices.

4. Fish

The coastal waters around Newquay are home to numerous fish species. While snorkeling or swimming, you might see:

  • Wrasse: These brightly colored fish are often seen darting among seaweed.

  • Blennies and Gobies: Small and often well-camouflaged, these fish are common in rock pools.

  • Mackerel: In deeper waters, schools of mackerel might be spotted, especially during the summer months.

5. Jellyfish

During certain times of the year, jellyfish are a common sight in Cornish waters. While most are harmless, it’s always fascinating to see these ethereal creatures drifting by. Common species include the moon jellyfish and the barrel jellyfish.

6. Anemones and Starfish

Tidal pools are home to a variety of colorful anemones and starfish. These fascinating creatures cling to rocks and provide a splash of color:

  • Beadlet Anemone: These bright red anemones are commonly found in rock pools.

  • Common Starfish: Often seen clinging to rocks or moving slowly across the sea bed.

7. Marine Mammals

Besides seals, you might be lucky enough to spot dolphins or porpoises, especially if your coasteering tour takes you to deeper waters. These intelligent marine mammals often travel in pods and can sometimes be seen breaching the surface.

Tips for Wildlife Watching

  • Be Patient: Marine wildlife might not always be immediately visible. Take your time and observe quietly.

  • Respect Nature: Keep a safe distance from wildlife and avoid disturbing their natural behavior.

  • Ask Your Guide: Our experienced guides are knowledgeable about local wildlife and can help you spot and identify different species.


A coasteering tour with Newquay Coasteering Tours offers more than just an adrenaline rush; it’s an immersive experience that brings you up close with the rich marine life of Cornwall. Each tour is a chance to explore and appreciate the diverse creatures that inhabit this beautiful coastal environment. Book your tour today and dive into an unforgettable adventure with nature!

For more information and to book your coasteering adventure, visit our website.


Planning a Coasteering Trip: Where to Stay and Eat in Newquay